Участие в национални и международни научни конференции:
1) Nikolova, D., Ivanov, B., A strategic approach to create a sustainable solution by production of biodiesel second generation (oral presentation), Научна конференция, организирана от Национален Военен Университет „Васил Левски“ – Велико Търново, 28ти-29ти май, 2020, Велико Търново, България.
2) Kirilova, E., Vladova R., Petrova T., Vaklieva-Bancheva, N., Optimal dairy supply chain design at two different production recipes with accounting CO2 emissions from transportation, (oral presentation), 4th South East European Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment System – SDEWES, 28th June – 2nd July, 2020, Sarajevo, Bosna and Herzegovina.
3) Kirilova, E., Vaklieva-Bancheva, N., Vladova, R., Petrova T., Optimal products portfolio design of a sustainable supply chain using different recipes for dairy products production, (oral presentation), 23rd Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction – PRES 2020, 17th – 21st August, 2020, Xi’an, China.
4) Ganev, E., Dzhelil, Y., Ivanov, B., Vaklieva-Bancheva, N., Kirilova, E., Optimal design of a sustainable integrated biodiesel/diesel supply chain using first and second generations bioresources, (poster presentation), 23rd Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction – PRES 2020, 17th – 21st August, 2020, Xi’an, China.
5) Nikolova, D., Ivanov, B., Dzhelil, Y., An alternative strategy for the sustainable production of biodiesel from Dairy Waste Scum, (poster presentation), 67th Scientific Conference with International Participation “Food Science, Engineering and Technology – 2020”, 23rd October, 2020, University of Food Technologies, Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
6) Ganev, E., Ivanov, B., Dzhelil, Y., Vaklieva-Bancheva, N., Kirilova, E., Improving energy efficiency biodiesel supply chain using agricultural waste, (poster presentation), 5th Eurasia Waste Management Symposium, 26th – 28th October, 2020, Istanbul, Turkey.
7) Dzhelil, Y., Ganev, E., Ivanov, B., Nikolova, D., Greenhouse gas reductions through optimal biodiesel supply chain, (poster presentation), 59th Science Conference of Ruse University “New Industries, Digital Economy, Society - Projections of the Future III”, 6th - 7th November, 2020, Razgrad, Bulgaria.
8) Kirilova, E., Vaklieva-Bancheva, N., Vladova, R., Design of sustainable dairy supply chain accounting for environmental, economic and social aspects, (oral presentation), The 4th Sustainable Process Integration Laboratory Scientific Conference Energy, Water, Emission & Waste in Industry and Cities - SPIL'2020, 18th – 20th November, 2020, Brno, Czech Republic.
9). Галчева, К., Николова, Д., Интегриране на устойчивостта във веригата за доставки на биодизел от млечни отпадъци чрез оптимизиране на продуктово портфолио във веригата за доставки на млечни продукти (устен доклад), Научна сесия за студенти, докторанти и млади научни работници „Природни и технически науки“, Университет „Проф. д-р Асен Златаров“, Факултет по технически науки, Факултет по природни науки, 16 Април 2021, Бургас.
10). Nikolova, D., Galcheva, K., A sustainable use of dairy waste scum in the biodiesel supply chain (oral presentation), Научна конференция, организирана от Национален Военен Университет „Васил Левски“ – Велико Търново, 27ми-28ми май 2021, Велико Търново, България.
11). Dzhelil Y., Ganev E., Ivanov B., Vaklieva-Bancheva N., Kirilova E., Optimal design of an integrated 1st generation biodiesel / diesel supply chain based on solid waste management for energy efficiency improvement, IX International Scientific Conference, Technics, Technology, Education, Safety, 7th – 10th June 2021, Borovets, Bulgaria.
12). Nikolova, D., Galcheva, K., A possibilistic programming approach towards dairy waste scum-based biodiesel supply chain network design under sustainable environment (oral presentation), Material Methods & Technologies 23rd International Conference, 19th – 22nd August 2021, Bourgas, Bulgaria.
13). Kirilova, E., Vaklieva-Bancheva, N., Petrova, T., Vladova, R., Varbanov, P.S., A MINLP model to optimal design of a sustainable dairy supply chain taking into account preferences of the network actors, (oral presentation), 24th Conference on Process Integration for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction - PRES'21, Hybrid-Conference, 31st October – 3rd November, 2021, Brno, Czech Republic (accepted abstract).
14). Ivanov, B., Nikolova, D., Kirilova, E., Vaklieva-Bancheva, N., Vladova, R., Optimal design of sustainable biodiesel supply chain using dairy waste scum as a feedstock generated from dairy supply chain, (poster presentation), 24th Conference on Process Integration for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction - PRES'21, Hybrid-Conference, 31st October – 3rd November, 2021, Brno, Czech Republic (accepted abstract).